Saturday October 12th, 2019
in the park on beautiful St. Armands Circle, Sarasota, Florida
Presenting Sponsor

Join us for another great year of showing our cars and enjoying the company of other Jaguar enthusiasts at our 34th Annual
Sun Coast Jaguar Concours d'Elegance
DATE: Friday October 11th thru Sunday
OCTOBER 12th, 2019
Friday October 11th: Welcome
5:30 pm - "First-Timers" Orientation located in the SCJC
hospitality room at the host hotel.
7:00 pm Welcome Social - Beach Luau with Open Bar - for registered
participants with a car entered into the Concours.
Location: Sandcastle Resort at Lido Beach on the beach deck.
Sponsored by Wilde Jaguar.
Saturday October 12th: Concours & Awards Banquet
8:00 am - Check-in
9:00 am - Judges Meeting
9:30 am - Owners Meeting
10:00 am - Rags Down
10:00-3:00pm - JCNA Official Concours Judging
4:00pm - Special non-JCNA presentation
6:00pm - Cocktail Reception (cash bar) &Silent Auction
to benefit Big Cat Rescue - cash, checks and credit cards accepted!
6:30pm-9pm - Dinner & JCNA Judged Awards at the
Holiday Inn Rooftop dining room overlooking St. Armands,
Downtown Sarasota and the bay.
A shuttle will be available for those that do not want to drive.
Sunday October 13th Before Departure:
9:00am Optional Event: Casual Breakfast in the Sandcastle Cafe and scenic drive up Longboat Key.
If registering by mail...
Return registration form and payment to:
2019 Sun Coast Jaguar Concours
c/o Phil Lodge
9443 Portside Terrace
Bradenton, Fl 34212
Thank you to our Supporting Partners

About the Area
St. Armands Circle is a historic shopping district created by Circus King John Ringling in 1925. The Concours will be held in the palm-shaded park in the center of the circle. St. Armands is located just a few miles from Interstate 75 in beautiful Sarasota, Florida. Our host hotel, The Sandcastle Resort at Lido Beach, is located just minutes away on the beach of Lido Key.

1540 Ben Franklin Drive, Sarasota, Florida 34236
Enjoy a relaxing stay at this beautiful Gulf front resort. Everything you need is right on site. Plenty of room for our Jaguar cars. This has been our most poplular host hotel and they are looking forward to having the Sun Coast Jaguar Club back on Lido Key. Make your reservations early as Sarasota enjoys a booming toursit season! Plenty of restaurants and shops on nearby St. Armands and in downtown Sarasota.
Sandcastle Resort at Lido Beach
Or Call: 1-800-225-2181 - be sure to mention the Sun Coast Jaguar Club to get your discounted room rate - $149 Courtyard/Pool/Double or $189 Gulf Front/Double. We have a limited block of rooms, so please call early. On-site trailer parking is also available. Preference will be given to those who register early as well.